Saturday, February 19, 2011

Needle versus scalpel, and today's henna tattoo

"Too many women with abnormal mammograms or other breast problems are undergoing surgical biopsies when they should be having needle biopsies, which are safer, less invasive and cheaper, new research shows."

No fooling. Even though I hated the needle-core biopsies, they were far easier on me than the few lumpectomies I had some years ago.

Okay, maybe being bald isn't so bad...

Kree Arvanitas, a professional henna artist, did today's henna tattoo on my noggin, thanks to my friend Judy Smith.

Kree Arvbanitas, Jennifer Dice (doing the next tattoo so watching carefully) and Judy Smith.


Really lovely work. I'm impressed with how at ease Kree was, right from the start. It was obvious that she's been doing this since 1996.

A movie.


  1. I'm in awe! This is so gorgeous, Rebecca... and it looks like the artist used multiple colors, not just brown? Best dressed scalp in town!

    - Tina

  2. She used glittery stuff that will come off when the crusty henna comes off and leaves my scalp temporarily dyed.

  3. Rebecca, that's beautiful. I also confess to admiring you in several of the hats and last week's white wig, and just to admiring what you are doing here in general.

  4. OMG. She just set the bar really high. It looks great!
